29 Oct What do I do when I want to see my personal file?
The official university personal file, that is to say the one that is legally recognized in the collective agreement, is the personal file stored in Human Resources. More likely than not, though, there are secondary personal files in your department (and in departments in which you have worked in the past).
To see your Human Resources personal file:
Call Human Resources to schedule an appointment to review your university personal file. You should be given an appointment within two to three days of asking.
Establish that all important documents (letter of hire, letters regarding changes in salary, etc.) are in your file and that out-of-date material (disciplinary letters) are removed.
Should you find something in your file that you do not recognize or do not agree with, ask about it. The university is required to advise you of anything that they put in your file.
If you cannot get the problem settled with Human Resources, call the union office (8603) for assistance.
To see your departmental personal file:
Ask your supervisor to obtain your departmental records for you to review.
Give him or her a reasonable length of time to get them to you.
Establish that all important documents (letter of hire, letters regarding changes in salary, etc.) are in your file and that out-of-date material (disciplinary letters) are removed.
Should you find something in your file that you do not agree with or know about, question your supervisor about it.
If you cannot get the problem settled with your supervisor, call the union office (8603) for assistance.
It is a good policy to review your records on an annual basis. Another suggestion is to initial and date all of the documents that you have seen. That way, if something not initialed appears in your file, you will know that you have not been informed of its existence. We also recommend that you have a witness with you when you go through your file.