Welcome to New CUPEU website!

At long last! CUPEU is happy to let the membership know that the website has a new look.  When re-designing the website, five features were considered to help make the site more useful to the membership:

navigation + search: found in two main, easy reference areas: header and footer; included a search tool which can help members find pertinent information within the site faster

events: with the google calendar located in the homepage, members see on going events and what events are open to participate in, the calendar can sync to your outlook mail, so you can get gentle reminders of upcoming events.

frequently asked questions: located in an easy-to-spot area on the homepage

contact: another way users can get in touch with CUPEU directly (save you a step or two logging in to your email account, plugging in the union’s email address) with the contact form; the google map should help members locate the office easier in the event they don’t know where the CUPEU office is

more visible access of other important info: the new site implements better visual cues to guide members to the information they need and help them understand important information, like the application process for professional development

Explore the website and let us know what you think! Contact us here.