March 25th, 2024
Job Evaluation Program
At the March 13th, 2024 CUPEU executive committee meeting it was decided that CUPEU would withdraw from the job evaluation project defined by letter of agreement (LOA) 2017-001.
The committee’s mandate was to create a questionnaire, create a classification plan, determine the weighting of the factors and evaluating the CUPEU positions.
The committee has been working on the project since November of 2019 and the project had an initial timeline of 18 months. The committee is now 4.5 years into the project.
So far:
The committee has created a questionnaire that is still being revised;
The committee has created a classification plan that is still being revised;
The committee has not agreed upon the weighting of the factors;
The committee has only evaluated 80 of the 400+ positions in CUPEU;
The 80 benchmark positions were used for comparison with other universities and the business market;
The committee still needs to “calibrate” the benchmark positions;
Even if all of the above was complete, evaluating the remaining CUPEU 400 positions would likely take a few more years to finalize;
These are the reasons the decision was made to withdraw from the project.
However, there is a silver lining: through this process we learned that CUPEU salaries are competitive vis-a-vis the market and other universities.
I want to thank Gaby Szabo and Sigmund Lam for all of the incredible work and time committment they have put towards this project.
I am disappointed that the university did not take this opportunity to make a real effort to work with CUPEU to fix this issue.
François Carrière
Network Administrator / CUPEU VP Grievance