Article 22 Personal Files

Article 22: Personal Files

22.01 An employee has the right, with adequate notice to the Department of Human Resources and Employee Relations, in the presence of a representative of the University, to request to see his/her personal file which relates to his/her work at the University, to verify its contents, to add comments to it and to obtain, at his/her own expense, a photocopy of such file. The employee file contained within the Department of Human Resources and Employee Relations is the only official file for the purpose of this Collective Agreement.

22.02 Any record of a disciplinary measure must be removed from an employee’s file after a period of twelve (12) months has elapsed without any further disciplinary measure of the same nature. Furthermore, any disciplinary notice, or any part of such notice, against which an employee has won his/her case in arbitration, must be removed from the file.

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