As I had ten years of seniority on June 1, 2015, am I entitled to two retroactive vacation days?

As I had ten years of seniority on June 1, 2015, am I entitled to two retroactive vacation days?

Question: As I had ten years of seniority on June 1, 2015, am I entitled to two retroactive vacation days?

According to the Memorandum of Agreement posted on this website, Article 29.02 of the Collective Agreement has been updated to:

Letter of Agreement – Vacation (29.02)

Effective June 1, 2015 CUPEU members with 10 years of seniority but less than twentyone (21) years of seniority are entitled twenty-three (23) paid working days of vacation.

Implication one extra day of vacation for 2016/17 and future years.

If this is effective June 1, 2015, then shouldn’t we be due 3 days of vacation this fiscal year?

Answer: Unfortunatley, this is not the case . In the Memorandum of Agreement that was signed by CUPEU and the HR team in June, the section “3. Vacation” clearly indicates that the clause is Effective June 1, 2016. This means that anyone with 10 years of seniority is entitled to 23 paid vacation days as of June 1, 2017. There are no retroactively accumulated vacation days for the 2015 or 2016 fiscal years.