As you are no doubt aware, CUPEU negotiated a new CA last year. Here is summary of those changes.
Fixed typos and other minor errors.
Article 2 Definition of terms
Added definitions for Parties and Stipends
Article 8 – Right to Information
a) Updated clause 8.05 subsection.
e) Added the word ‘periodic’ before ‘actuarial valuations’ .
Article 17 – Job Posting, Selection and Movement of Personnel;
b) Modify the delays in clause 17.01 subsection a) ii);
Changed from 30 days to 30 working days
Article 24 – Hours of Work and Work Schedules
a) Update clause 24.15
b) Updated clause to better reflect the current reality. Removed pagers and added the ability to use personal cell phone
Article 30 – Parental leaves;
a) Update clause 30.02 in accordance with the changes to the Act respecting labour standards;
b) Update clause 30.09 in accordance with the changes to the Act respecting labour standards;
c) Update clause 30.11 in accordance with the changes to the Act respecting labour standards;
Article 34 – Public Service Leaves;
a) Add text in clause 34.02 to indicate that if an employee is re-elected in an election, he may extend his leave without pay for the duration of his second term of office as provided by the law;
Article 41 – Temporary Employees;
a) Updated public service leaves;
New Letter of Agreements on flexible work arrangements (FWA);
a) Remote work;
b) Compressed work week;
Appendix A – List of Professionals
a) Updated the list of professional positions;
Appendix E – Letters of Agreement
a) Letter of Agreement on Hybrid Working Group for Remote Rork
b) Letter of Agreement on Compressed Work Week.
a) Letter of Agreement #1 Concerning Acquired Rights for Chaplain;
b) Letter of Agreement #4 Regarding Compensation for Head Coaches;
c) Letter of Agreement 2017-001 Regarding the Job Classification System;
d) Letter of Agreement 2017-002: Regarding Work Organization;
Article 10 – Professional development and training;
a) Adjusted the PD limits to salary increases; (Article 10.12 a)
Article 24 – Hours of work;
a) Adjusted meal allowance to salary increases; (article 24.02b iv)
Article 39 – Salaries
June 1, 2023: 4.8%
(or: the increase (commonly known as Government Salary Policy (GSP)) provided for in the Règles Budgétaires for the teaching and teaching support grant, for 2023-2024, whichever is the greatest)
June 1, 2024: 3.2%
(or: the increase (commonly known as Government Salary Policy (GSP)) provided for in the Règles Budgétaires for the teaching and teaching support grant, for 2024-2025, whichever is the greatest)
June 1, 2025: 3.0%
(or: the increase (commonly known as Government Salary Policy (GSP)) provided for in the Règles Budgétaires for the teaching and teaching support grant, for 2025-2026, whichever is the greatest).
Updated retroactivity clause.
Article 44 – Duration of Contract
a) Update the clause 44.01 with the new duration of the CA;
The present Collective Agreement is concluded for the period of June 1, 2023 to May 31, 2026.8. Appendix 1 Salary Scales
CREW Pizza Party – Solidarity
CREW Concordia (CSN) is inviting us to their Union Pizza Party! All CUPEU members are invited to show their support to Concordia’s TAs and RAs, whose CSN union is currently negotiating their collective agreement. Let’s show up in large numbers and enjoy a slice of pizza.
“CREW is currently at a critical stage in our negotiations, so we’re ramping up the pressure and making our presence known! It would really mean a lot if we saw some of our fellow Concordia unionized workers in support.”
Wednesday Feb 5th : Hall Building mezzanine, 12PM to 1PM(SGW) Thursday Feb 6th : SP Building lobby, 12PM to 1PM (Loyola)
Yours in solidarity,
-Concordia InterUnion Committee
Coffee Break
We’ll be hosting another Common Coffee Break on Tuesday January 28th at 10AM in the LB Atrium for the SGW crowd. Please note that this one is going to be in the LB building and not the EV building.
The next Loyola Coffee break is slated for February 24th at 10AM in the SP Atrium.
Don’t forget to bring your own mug for extra eco-points!
-Membership Engagement Committee
What a party!
Thank you to those who were able to attend this year’s CUPEU holiday party. You being there made it a fun night with good laughs and we saw some pretty fly dance moves once the music got started.
We look forward to renewing with you again for more events in the new year.
-Organizing Committee
Annual General Meeting
It was a pleasure seeing you all at the November 27th AGM. Congratulations to everyone who was elected to their new positions; with these dedicated individuals on board, we can all look forward to even stronger and more united union in the weeks, months and years to come!
Without further ado, here are our newly (re)elected committee members.
Electoral College: David Mckenzie, Kristina Millet, Milushka Icaza, Ashley Hollister, Soha Hawili, Katherine Matthew-Riel.
Employee Assistance Program: Tanja Gninka
–The CUPEU Executive
This is a reminder that Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024 at 5 p.m.* is the deadline to submit applications for the first round of the CUPEU Professional Development Fund. If you’ve been thinking of participating in that conference or course but were looking for the funds, it is never too early to prepare your request.
*Submissions received past the deadline will not be considered.